Friday, February 12, 2010

The Saga of Sweet

One day about four billion years ago, long before the world had been created, this enormous giant was sitting around with Odin, Ve, and Vili, talking about rugby. Ve was making a point which was very comical, since it subtly communicated - to experts only - that he was getting rugby confused with Australian Rules Football.

The giant took a sip from a flagon made from the shinbone of a celestial impala. (I don't know either.) He mocked Ve subtly in a way no one understood. Then Odin stood up.

"Gentleman, you may be wondering why I have gathered you all here," he cried.

"You haven't gathered us here at all, good brother," cried Vili. This all took place so long ago that no one said anything, they just cried stuff. "We were all just sitting around discussing barbaric sports."

"Well, nonetheless, I have a plan," Odin replied. "We should make a total crapload of carbohydrate. Right now!"

Ve stroked his long pre-cosmic beard and wondered what "carbohydrate" meant. The giant nodded sagely. Vili protested again. "But Odin, you half-cocked barbarian, where would we put all this carbohydrate once we've created it?"

"That's a fair question, Vili my boy. I've considered it at length. We ... should create ... a world!" Odin cried triumphantly.

"A world?" the others cried in unison. Actually, it wasn't quite in unison, since the giant was sharp by at least a half-step. But I digress.

Anyway, some more funny stuff happened, the giant ended up dying in a really unpleasant but strangely cinematic sort of way, and the world was created. And that, my children, is where we get desserts from.

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